Students Excited About English

Writing Fiction for Skills and for Life
Your Students will love to learn, write, and share their stories. They’ll improve in every area of English Language Arts because it’s their own work they’re creating and improving.

Students learn to study and understand subjects using characters, plotting, setting, dialogue, and other useful aspects.

Students develop and organize their writing as they develop interesting characters, decide upon great plot points, set real goals, and figure out how to overcome difficult obstacles.

Writing paragraphs and sentences requires the student to think about the structure and usage of words, grammar, punctuation, and other skills that are applicable to all forms of written communication.

Life Skills
Student express themselves through writing by actively facing challenges, developing plans to accomplish goals, overcoming difficulties, and exploring relationships.

Students work on their own stories to match subjects and verbs, fix sentence fragments, correct run-on sentences, use the right verb tenses, and other difficult grammar issues.

Instead of plugging in vocabulary words in sentences that students would never use in conversation, they can add them into stories for greater impact. Their stories are better as their vocabulary grows stronger.

Quotion marks, proper usage of commas, separating sentences using periods, and other proper punctuation makes stories more understandable to friends. Students will want to get their punctuation right so their readers stay immeshed in the story.

Students not only write better, they read and revise their own works so their readers comprehend the story. When the student studies their own stories, they inherently become better at comprehending other writings.

Students become Self- Motivated
Students love to tell their own stories! When they write about their ideas, they are free to control their own approaches, make their own decisions, and express themselves fully.
To share their stories, the rules of English must be followed or their readers, their friends, will be taken out of the story experience. To avoid this outcome, students become motivated to fix the errors in their writing. They seek out and correct issues with grammar such as verb-tense disagreement, improper punctuation, and wrong spelling.
Once students embrace that the rules are their to help them communicate their story, they become self-motivated to learn and apply the rules. They’re not looking for good grades; they’re looking to keep their friends excited to finish their stories. Teaching the students the rules changes from rote learning into an exciting time for both teachers and students.

EnthusIASTIC Learners

No student has ever in history been excited about writing another essay or report. But students will beg to learn more about writing stories!
Let your students express the joy and enthusiasm of communicating their stories!
Students can't wait to show you what they've written
Characters that talk and act like real people, even if they're space aliens or animals or monsters!
Plots that reflect the complexities of life as well as good and bad consequences
Supplemental and Full Courses

Courses are designed to help you teach writing as a supplement to your regular class, or to fill entire semesters as electives.
Filled with class and individual activities, you have the resources you need to keep your students learning and engaged.
For that matter, write your own stories alongside your students! Why should they have all the fun?
Special Instructions for Students with ADHD, Dyslexia, and Dysgraphia
Use Dictation to Create Great Stories
Life Skills and Fiction
When you create fiction, you develop goals, motivations, obstacles, setbacks, and successes (or even failures) just like life. When you write these stories, you experience them just as if they were real. You don’t just read someone else’s story, you create your own.
Fiction is more than just getting the rules right. Writing fiction is exploring the limits of communication, with the joys and sorrows, achievements and failures, and ultimately the highest human achievements. And you give your students this gift while they prepare to excel in their tests.
Students can express their innermost thoughts and emotions and experiences in a safe place through writing their own fiction stories. They’re not only prepared to excel at school, they’re equipped to deal with the hard aspects of their lives and relationships. They’re prepared to be successful in life as well as school.
You and your students deserve to write your OWN fiction stories
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